Dear Manard,
I wanted to write to you and say thank you again for the work that you do. On the long drive down to OKC, I was thinking that I might get some clarity about myself as a salesperson and have a little fun along the way (which I did); but I was not ready for what actually happened.
The testing we did revealed some dynamics in me that I wasn’t aware of on a conscious level. When I came to you to try and understand these results you asked questions that made me connect dots I didn’t know were there. To name one issue specifically, I realized that my lack of advanced graduate education in contrast to all of my siblings receiving master’s degrees or higher, had built in me a fear of approaching my highly educated prospects. In other words, irrational feelings of inadequacy were taking food out of my family’s mouths, and financial independence (and the joy that comes with that), out of my marriage. Literally no other training I have received in my 8 years with the Knights has touched on anything quite as profound as that.
Simply knowing that and being able to name it put me back in the driver’s seat against that fear. Now, when I see a name on my call list or a face across a room at a party that belongs to a highly successful medical surgeon, or judge, or business owner, my response is different. The fear still pops up, but now I can look at it for what it is… the irrational feelings of an adolescent whose siblings stayed in school longer. I know more about finance then my siblings, and I know more about finance than that doctor/judge/or business man; and remembering that truth dispels that fear and replaces it with an excitement at the possibilities in front of me! Instead of thinking “this guy knows more then me he’ll never buy anything”, I know think, “helping this prospect might be the case that makes me MDRT”.
So, from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of my family… Thank you!
BTW: Before attending my YTD sales was maybe $60,000 in premium between 40 or so policies. In the past 5-6 weeks since returning from your workshop I have written over $63,000 in premium between 10 policies.
Ian R. Johnstone
6221 S. 58th St. Suite F
Lincoln, NE 68516
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