The workshop will be held in Dallas July 11th 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM CST. The price is $500 (All times are Dallas CST)

2 Weeks Prior to Course General Agents will receive a link to take the RPM® – Recruiting Preference Measure Assessment. The RPM® profile is designed to show participants any reluctances they might have when it comes to recruiting.

The RPM® has 26 scales that measure Recruiting Motivation™, Recruiting Goal Level™, 15 types of Recruiting Reluctance®, has three filters to measure RPM™ Impression Profile and two filters to measure the RPM™ Attitude toward the questionnaire.

The purpose of the Workshop is to help people understand their own set of personal traits that either are conducive to recruiting or are barriers to recruiting. Each person takes the RPM™ Questionnaire prior to the program. We then produce a 10-15 page report along with the 3-4 page Personal Prescription Profile®. In the seminar we will review the individual profiles.

We have found that participants are amazed by the results. It gives them a tremendous amount of information about their strengths (green scores), where they are average (yellow scores) and where they have GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES (red scores). We give them a clear-cut behavior modification plan to implement. The purpose is to get them to quit destructive behaviors and attitudes that impact their level of success. We have had tremendous success with the majority of attendees because we are getting to the real heart of the matter. The workshop uncovers what fears participants have and how to deal with them on a day-by-day basis.

5 Monthly Follow Up Calls (Program is 6 months)

  • Participant groups will be 5-6 people and will be assigned a day and time for 5 monthly follow-up calls. 
  • Follow up calls allow each person to share their weekly successes and anything they continue to struggle with. Group members discuss and comment with suggestions, strategies, feedback and praise etc.

Optional (No additional cost): Any participant can reach out to Jeff or Manard and have a private one on one coaching session if they feel they need additional help.

Please fill out the following form if you would like to attend the Recruiting Workshop

KOC Recruiting WS July 11th